tensorflow error: internal: libdevice not found at ./libdevice.10.bc Ubuntu – Solved

Context: I got this error when running tensorflow with python on Ubuntu 20.04, after installing the cuda toolkit by choosing the local deb installation file.

Solution: the solution was to download and install the deb network file instead


git returns ” is a merge but no -m option was given.”


git revert 75a690a642b71768dad36ade65839a6da62d8d6a
error: commit 75a690a642b71768dad36ade65839a6da62d8d6a is a merge but no -m option was given.
fatal: revert failed


run the following command in the terminal:

git cat-file -p 75a690a642b71768dad36ade65839a6da62d8d6a


git cat-file -p 75a690a642b71768dad36ade65839a6da62d8d6a
tree 6ee9397d91ed42ad3d130b93c5c5587d1ad6c67c
parent 95beda2bfbfa1523cb14c1285d80a5faa9b7f6f0
parent a3e9ddabca322e52b141a001dc5eb9c2c789ff22


git revert 75a690a642b71768dad36ade65839a6da62d8d6a -m 1 

if you want to use the first parent as mainline, choose 1, else choose 2

Test site through VPN or local on browserstack

Browserstack resources:


1 – Install the browserstack local binary


2 – cd in the directory where the binary is located and run:

./BrowserStackLocal --key t9guUg6zxQ5Y9MBfciaZ

3- in your browser access borwserstack and tick “Resolve all URLs through my network

you can also do that throught cli when running the binary:

./BrowserStackLocal --key t9guUg6zxQ5Y9MBfciaZ --force-local

For local testing, ensure that localhost is served on bs-local.com

see https://www.browserstack.com/docs/live/local-testing/test-using-local-testing

Jmeter beanshell: get variable type


if (vars.get(“price_matchNr”) instanceof Integer){
if (vars.get(“price_matchNr”) instanceof String){
if (Integer.parseInt(vars.get(“price_matchNr”)) instanceof int){
if (Integer.valueOf(vars.get(“price_matchNr”)) instanceof Integer){
log.info(“Integer ValueOf”);

Tesseract initial setup

Install Tesseract:

sudo apt install tesseract-ocr

Install python3-pil

sudo apt-get install -y python3-pil

Insall pytesseract:

pip install pytesseract

Testing Tesseract.

Call the Tesseract engine on the image with image_path and convert image to text, written line by line in the command prompt by typing the following:

$ tesseract image_path stdout

To write the output text in a file:

$ tesseract image_path text_result.txt

To specify the language model name, write language shortcut after -l flag, by default it takes English language:

$ tesseract image_path text_result.txt -l eng

By default, Tesseract expects a page of text when it segments an image. If you’re just seeking to OCR a small region, try a different segmentation mode, using the –psm argument. There are 14 modes available which can be found here. By default, Tesseract fully automates the page segmentation but does not perform orientation and script detection. To specify the parameter, type the following:

$ tesseract image_path text_result.txt -l eng --psm 6

There is also one more important argument, OCR engine mode (oem). Tesseract 4 has two OCR engines — Legacy Tesseract engine and LSTM engine. There are four modes of operation chosen using the –oem option.
0    Legacy engine only.
1    Neural nets LSTM engine only.
2    Legacy + LSTM engines.
3    Default, based on what is available.

Adding Estonian language for ubuntu package:

sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-[lang]

Compiling Tesseract:

To run pytesseract in python script:

pip install pytesseract

Preprocessing for Tesseract

pip install opencv-python

To avoid all the ways your tesseract output accuracy can drop, you need to make sure the image is appropriately pre-processed.

This includes rescaling, binarization, noise removal, deskewing, etc.

To preprocess image for OCR, use any of the following python functions or follow the OpenCV documentation.

Improve quality of the output (Official doc)

Gradle “Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:classpath’.”

Running a gradle project, you may encounter the error below. In my case it occurs after the gradle project crashed, requiring a restart.

Error message:

>Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
 >Could not load module metadata from /home/username/.gradle/caches/modules-2/metadata-2.97/descriptors/io.netty/netty-common/4.1.23.Final/671a8ecc284f9e9f4d35b614eb5de66e/descriptor.bin


You need to delete the cache

cd /home/username/.gradle
rm -r caches