Flexbox is perfect to manage nice and responsive layout in modern browser. Let’s see how we can integrate it with horme 3 template for virtuemart, together with lazyloading.
Our first implementation does not give desirable result.
The step I took so far:
1- remove matchHeight script
2- change the row div to a flex-container class
3- change the product column
<div class="product vm-col<?php echo ' vm-col-' . $products_per_row . ' ' . $cellwidth ;?>">
<div class="product flex-item>" >
The issue is that there is only 3 items per row, leaving an empty column. The add to cart button seems to go all over the place as soon as the third row is reached.
The add to cart button need to be pushed at the bottom of the div. It seems the div height change depending on the scrolling. Everything is fine when the css load but if scrolling down then up, then the div might be displayed with a “too short” height, hiding the add to cart button in the process.