Batch convert images in webp

In case your server doesn’t allow Webp Express to auto generate webp images, or for any other reason, you might want to bulk convert images in webp.

On windows the best solution I found was to use

I needed to add some batch scripting to allow for bulk conversion 

I tested this code with the inconvenience that the file name retains .jpg and get appended with the webp extension, which is not suitable for my case use. I corrected that with a python script that I had ready at hand for batch renaming files. Here is the batch script:

cd C:\Users\Admin\Documents\webptest\2018\09
dir /B /A-D > list.txt
FOR /F “tokens=* delims=” %%x in (list.txt) DO magick convert %%x %%x.webp

While looking for a solution to remove the file extension, I found this nice code from stackoverflow that I modified to suit my needs:

@echo off
for /R “C:\Users\Admin\Documents\webptest\2018\10” %%f in (*.jpg) do (
magick convert %%f %%~nf.webp

Tested and working. The file are saved in the directory containing the batch script.