How to prevent home page modules to show on virtuemart search results page?

Issue: Home page modules show on virtuemart search result pages, which in some cases might not be desirable.

Solution: The solution that is widely found searching on the internet is that you need to create a menu item for the search module. If you do so, and use the virtuemart search module, this should not give any results. The missing step is that you need to create an overwrite for your virtuemart seach module and edit it. In the search form action, replace index.php by “search” or whatever you set the search menu item alias to be.

In short:

1- Create menu item for joomla search

When selecting the menu item type, select “Search Form or Search Results”
Note the alias for the page, as you will need it at a later step.

2-In your templates customization page, create an override for the mod_virtuemart_search default.php file:

3- Open the override you created and modify the route to point it to the newly created search page:

JRoute::_ ('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&limitstart=0', FALSE);
JRoute::_ ('search?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&limitstart=0', FALSE);

4- Control where the modules are displayed as usual.