What are the http call to wp-cron.php in wordpress server logs?

The apache log of your wordpress server shows:

"POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1542232954.9134418964385986328125 HTTP/1.1" 200 3305 "https://www.example.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1542232954.9134418964385986328125" "WordPress/4.9.8;

WordPress make a http call to wp-cron.php at every site visit. This php script takes care for update check up and for schedule article publication.

WP-Cron works by: on every page load, a list of scheduled tasks is checked to see what needs to be run. Any tasks scheduled to be run will be run during that page load. WP-Cron does not run constantly as the system cron does; it is only triggered on page load.

Source: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/cron/

If you want to make sure some tasks are done at a certain time for sure, you can setup a cron task on your server and disable the call to wp-cron.php in the wp-config file.

There is an excellent article from wordpress developper site explaining all the details.

Note: Some sites report that if you use cloudflare or caching plugins, cron may “never run” and therefore recommend the afore-mentioned method. This assertion needs to be verified. Conclusion will be added here.