Change Product Available Date Format in Virtuemart

You might have noticed that virtuemart date format for the “Product Available Date” notice is in US format (at least for my install). This format (YYYY-MM-DD) is a bit confusing in countries where the standard is different, for instance the standard in Europe is DD-MM-YYYY.

Now we will attempt to display this product available date in our choosen standard.

In com_virtuemart/product/details/default.php, you can see that the part controlling the display of the product availability date is stockhandel.php in sublayouts

By consulting this file you can quickly locate the variable for the product availabity date string followed by the variable for the date string: DATE_FORMAT_LC4

Now that we have this information we can go in Extensions -> Languages->overrides

select your front end language on the drop down menu. Enter the variable and in text enter the date format you want to use.

A user friendly format might be: j F yy

This will yield a date in this format: 28 February 2020